Homeobox-containing genes are thought to have a role in controlling development. In Drosophila, the 'engrailed' (en) gene plays an important role during development in segmentation, where it is required for the formation of posterior compartments. Different mutations in the mouse homologs, En1 and En2, produced different developmental defects that frequently are lethal. The human engrailed homologs 1 and 2 encode homeodomain-containing proteins and have been implicated in the control of pattern formation during development of the central nervous system.
Immunogen Information
Synthetic peptide of human EN2
AUTS 1AUTS1EN 2Engrailed 2Engrailed homeo box 2Engrailed homeobox 2Engrailed homolog 2Engrailed2Homeobox protein engrailed 2Homeobox protein engrailed2Hu En 2HuEn2MabEn