IVD(Isovaleryl CoA dehydrogenase,mitochondrial) is a member of the acylCoA dehydrogenase family and is involved in the catabolism of leucine. In size,IVD precursor and mature proteins produced by class I mutants are indistinguishable from their normal counterparts. Class II,III,and IV mutants make IVD precursor proteins 42 kD in size rather than the normal 45 kD. It has 2 isoforms produced by alternative splicing.
Immunogen Information
Fusion protein of human IVD
ACAD2FLJ12715FLJ34849Isovaleryl CoA dehydrogenaseIsovaleryl CoA dehydrogenasemitochondrialIsovaleryl Coenzyme A dehydrogenaseIsovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenaseIVDIVDmitochondrial